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Ongoing support needed for Assisted Places

20 January 2017

With our initial £10m target met, thanks to the overwhelming support of over 1,600 Old Edwardians and friends, the Trust continues to plan how we can maintain current levels of provision. £10m was just the beginning – there are many more lives which can be transformed as a result of the generosity of our supporters.

As the School song says, this is ‘no place for fop or idler’; we cannot afford to become complacent. Together, we must continue to support the hundreds of bright boys who apply for places, but require financial assistance to come here. Everyone at the School is therefore immensely grateful to the Shuttleworths for renewing their sponsorship of an Assisted Place, and helping us to begin building a new funding pipeline for more bright boys to attend KES. Thank you to them for this recent additional donation, and indeed to all those who continue to help us to change lives at King Edward’s School.